CreelMT Preparation Time Calculator Modra Technology > CreelMT Preparation Time Calculator This calculator estimates how long CreelMT takes to prepare the winding and positioning of yarn packages into a CreelMT mobile creel. Order information (Metric) Stitch Rate (Stitches/10cm) The effective linear stitch rate of the product in stitches per 10 cm Average Pile Height (mm) The average pile height, or the middle pile height. Length of Carpet (Metres) The length of carpet for the order. Calculated Average Yarn Length (Metres) The calculated average length of yarn. The max length per 1kg package is approx 4000 Mt. For runs of greater than 4000 Mt per package multiple sets of mobile creels need to be prepared Total Number of Needles Needles (min 500, max 2200) The total number of needles on the tufting machine Please enter a number from 500 to 2200.Number of Mobile Creels The maximum number of yarn positions per mobile creel is 275. Mobile creel sets must be an even number of mobile creels. Number of Mobile Creels The maximum number of yarn positions per mobile creel is 275. Mobile creel sets must be an even number of mobile creels. Number of Mobile Creels The maximum number of yarn positions per mobile creel is 275. Mobile creel sets must be an even number of mobile creels. Number of Mobile Creels The maximum number of yarn positions per mobile creel is 275. Mobile creel sets must be an even number of mobile creels. HiddenUntitled27555011001650Positions per Mobile Creel The calculated number of positions per mobile creel Interested in talking to Modra Technologyabout your carpet manufacturing & sampling requirements? Contact our experts today Contact Us